9-10 Electronics Workbench
9.5.1 Using the Spare Gates Report
To produce a Spare Gates Report:
1. Have the desired circuit open in your workspace.
2. Select
Reports/Spare Gates Report. The Spare Gates Report dialog box displays.
Note If there are multiple variants in the circuit, the
Variants Filter dialog box will display
before the report dialog. For details, see “9.7 Variants Filter Dialog Box” on page 9-12.
3. Optionally, click on a column to sort the data on the dialog box in ascending order by that
column. Click again to sort by descending order.
The columns contain the following information:
Component — the RefDes of the component that contains the spare gates.
Part — the type of component.
Section(s) available — the sections in the component that are still unplaced. Each
section corresponds to one gate.
4. Use the buttons detailed below as required to produce your report.
Save to a Text File — click to save the data on the dialog box to a standard text file. A
standard Windows save dialog box appears. Choose the desired filepath and click
Send to a Printer — click to display a standard Windows print dialog box. Choose the
desired print options and click
Print Preview — click to display a Print Preview dialog box.
To MS Excel App — click to open a Microsoft
Excel spreadsheet with the data from
the dialog box displayed. (You must have Excel installed to use this function).
Save to a text file
Send to a printer
Print preview
To MS Excel App.