User Interface
3-14 Electronics Workbench
90 Clockwise Rotates the selection 90 degrees clockwise.
For details, see “4.7 Rotating/Flipping Placed
Components” on page 4-30.
90 CounterCW Rotates the selection 90 degrees
counterclockwise. For details, see “4.7
Rotating/Flipping Placed Components” on
page 4-30.
Bus Vector Connect Displays the Bus Vector Connect dialog box.
For details, see “6.4.5 Bus Vector Connect” on
page 6-27.
Replace by HB Replaces the elements that you have selected
with a hierarchical block. See “
Replacing Components with an HB” on
page 6-9.
Replace by SC Replaces the elements that you have selected
with a subcircuit. See “6.2 Hierarchical Design”
on page 6-3.
Replace Components Invokes the Select a Component browser from
which you can select a new component. See
also, “4.4.7 Replacing a Placed Component” on
page 4-17.
Edit Symbol You can edit either the appearance of the
symbol on the workspace (In-place Edit Mode).
For details, see “8.5.2 Creating and Editing a
Component’s Symbol with the Symbol Editor”
on page 8-15.
Color Displays a color palette where you can change
the color of the selected element’s lines.
Font Changes the font of various elements on the
workspace from their default values. For
details, see “ Sheet Properties - Font
Tab” on page 3-28.
Properties If a component is selected, displays that
component’s properties dialog box. If an
instrument is selected, opens the instrument