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Epson Research and Development
Vancouver Design Center
S1D13505 Programming Notes and Examples
X23A-G-003-07 Issue Date: 01/02/05
int seSetDisplayMode(int DevID, int DisplayMode, int flags)
Description: This routine sets the S1D13505 registers according to the values contained in the
HAL_STRUCT register section.
Setting all the registers means that timing, display surface dimensions, and all other
aspects of chip operation are set with this call, including loading default values into
the color Look-Up Tables (LUTs).
Parameters: DevID - a valid registered device ID
DisplayMode- the HAL_STRUCT register set to use:
flags - Can be set to one or more flags. Each flag added by using the
logical OR command. Do not add mutually exclusive flags.
Flags can be set to 0 to use defaults.
DONT_CLEAR_MEM (default) - do not clear memory
CLEAR_MEM - clear display buffer memory
DISP_FIFO_OFF - turn off display FIFO
(blank screen except for cursor or ink layer)
DISP_FIFO_ON (default) - turn on display FIFO
Return Value: ERR_OK - no problems encountered
ERR_FAILED - unable to complete operation. Occurs as a result of an invalid
register in the HAL_STRUCT.
See Also: seDisplayFifo() - for enabling/disabling the FIFO.
Example: seSetDisplayMode(DevID, DISP_MODE_LCD, CLEAR_MEM |
The above example will initialize for the LCD, and then clear display buffer memory
and blank the screen. The advantage to this approach is that afterwards the appli-
cation can write to the display without showing the image until memory is
completely updated; the application would then call seDisplayFIFO(DevID, ON).
See note from seSetInit().
11.5.1 General HAL Support
General HAL support covers the miscellaneous functions. There is usually no more than
one or two functions devoted to any particular aspect of S1D13505 operation.
int seGetId(int DevID, int * pId)
Description: Reads the S1D13505 revision code register to determine the chip product and
revisions. The interpreted value is returned in pID.
Parameters: DevID - registered device ID
pId - pointer to the int to receive the controller ID.