Epson Research and Development
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Vancouver Design Center
13505PLAY Diagnostic Utility S1D13550
Issue Date: 01/02/02 X23A-B-005-04
p 1|0
- Set power mode (hardware suspend).
1 = set hardware suspend.
0 = reset hardware suspend.
- This command is only supported on a S5U13505
evaluation board for the PC platform.
- Quits the 13505PLAY utility.
r[w] addr [count]
- Reads number of bytes or words [w] from the address
specified by “addr”. If “count” is not specified, then
16 bytes/words are read.
- Calculates the frame rate from VNDP count (PC
platform only).
w[w] addr data . . .
- Writes bytes or words [w] of data to the address
specified by “addr”.
- Data can be multiple values (e.g.
W 0 1 2 3 4
writes the byte values 1 2 3 4 starting at address 0).
x[w] index [data]
- Reads/writes bytes or words [w] to/from the registers.
- Writes data to REG[index] when “data” is specified.
- Reads data from REG[index] when “data” is not
Some platforms may provide upredictable results
when non-aligned word addresses are entered.
- Reads all registers.
- Displays Help information.
13505PLAY Example
1. Type "13505PLAY" to start the program.
2. Type "?" for help.
3. Type "i" to initialize the registers.
4. Type "xa" to display the contents of the registers.
5. Type "x 5" to read register 5.
6. Type "x 3 10" to write 10h to register 3.
7. Type "f 0 ffff aa" to fill the first FFFFh bytes of the display buffer with AAh.
8. Type "f 0 1fffff aa" to fill 2M bytes of the display buffer with AAh.
9. Type "r 0 100" to read the first 100h bytes of the display buffer.
10. Type "q" to exit the program.