
Epson Research and Development
Page 105
Vancouver Design Center
Programming Notes and Examples S1D13505
Issue Date: 01/02/05 X23A-G-003-07
int seGetInkStartAddr(int seReserved1, DWORD *addr);
int seGetPixel( int seReserved1, long x, long y, DWORD *pVal );
int seSetPixel( int seReserved1, long x, long y, DWORD color );
int seDrawLine( int seReserved1, long x1, long y1, long x2, long y2, DWORD color );
int seDrawRect( int seReserved1, long x1, long y1, long x2, long y2, DWORD color,
BOOL SolidFill );
int seDrawEllipse(int seReserved1, long xc, long yc, long xr, long yr, DWORD color,
BOOL SolidFill);
int seDrawCircle( int seReserved1, long xCenter, long yCenter, long radius, DWORD
color, BOOL SolidFill );
/*------------------------------- Hardware Cursor ------------------------------*/
int seInitCursor(int seReserved1);
int seCursorOff(int seReserved1);
int seGetCursorStartAddr(int seReserved1, DWORD *addr);
int seMoveCursor(int seReserved1, long x, long y);
int seSetCursorColor(int seReserved1, int index, DWORD color);
int seSetCursorPixel( int seReserved1, long x, long y, DWORD color );
int seDrawCursorLine( int seReserved1, long x1, long y1, long x2, long y2, DWORD
color );
int seDrawCursorRect( int seReserved1, long x1, long y1, long x2, long y2, DWORD
color, BOOL SolidFill );
int seDrawCursorEllipse(int seReserved1, long xc, long yc, long xr, long yr, DWORD
color, BOOL SolidFill);
int seDrawCursorCircle( int seReserved1, long xCenter, long yCenter, long radius,
DWORD color, BOOL SolidFill );
/*------------------------------- Hardware Ink Layer ---------------------------*/
int seInitInk(int seReserved1);
int seInkOff(int seReserved1);
int seGetInkStartAddr(int seReserved1, DWORD *addr);
int seSetInkColor(int seReserved1, int index, DWORD color);
int seSetInkPixel( int seReserved1, long x, long y, DWORD color );
int seDrawInkLine( int seReserved1, long x1, long y1, long x2, long y2, DWORD color
int seDrawInkRect( int seReserved1, long x1, long y1, long x2, long y2, DWORD color,
BOOL SolidFill );
int seDrawInkEllipse(int seReserved1, long xc, long yc, long xr, long yr, DWORD
color, BOOL SolidFill);
int seDrawInkCircle( int seReserved1, long xCenter, long yCenter, long radius, DWORD
color, BOOL SolidFill );
/*------------------------------ Color ------------------------------------*/
int seSetLut( int seReserved1, BYTE *pLut, int count );
int seGetLut( int seReserved1, BYTE *pLut, int count );