Epson Research and Development
Page 3
Vancouver Design Center
13505SHOW Demonstration Program S1D13505
Issue Date: 01/02/02 X23A-B-002-05
13505SHOW is designed to demonstrate and test some of the S1D13505 display capabilities. The
program can cycle through all the color depths and display a pattern showing all available colors, or
the user can specify a color depth and display configuration.
The 13505SHOW demonstration program must be configured and/or compiled to work with your
hardware platform. The program 13505CFG.EXE can be used to configure 13505SHOW. Consult
the 13505CFG users guide, document number X23A-B-001-xx, for more information on config-
uring S1D13505 utilities.
This software is designed to work in both embedded and personal computer (PC) environments. For
the embedded environment, it is assumed that the system has a means of downloading software from
the PC to the target platform. Typically this is done by serial communications, where the PC uses a
terminal program to send control commands and information to the target processor. Alternatively,
the PC can program an EPROM, which is then placed in the target platform. Some target platforms
can also communicate with the PC via a parallel port connection, or an Ethernet connection.
S1D13505 Supported Evaluation Platforms
13505SHOW supports the following S1D13505 evaluation platforms:
• PC system with an Intel 80x86 processor.
• M68332BCC (Business Card Computer) board, revision B, with a Motorola MC68332
• M68EC000IDP (Integrated Development Platform) board, revision 3.0, with a Motorola
M68EC000 processor.
• SH3-LCEVB board, revision B, with an Hitachi SH-3 HD6417780 processor.
PC platform
: copy the file 13505SHOW.EXE to a directory that is in the DOS path on your hard
Embedded platform
: download the program 13505SHOW to the system.