Epson Research and Development
Page 59
Vancouver Design Center
Programming Notes and Examples S1D13505
Issue Date: 01/02/05 X23A-G-003-07
For the S1D13505 the return values are currently:
Other HAL libraries will return their respective controller IDs upon detection of
their controller.
Return Value: ERR_OK - operation completed with no problems
ERR_UNKNOWN_DEVICE - returned when pID returns ID_UNKNOWN.
(The HAL was unable to identify the display controller).
seGetId() will disable hardware suspend on x86 platforms, and will enable the host in-
terface (register [1Bh]) on all platforms.
void seGetHalVersion(const char ** pVersion, const char ** pStatus,
const char **pStatusRevision)
Description: Retrieves the HAL library version. The return pointers are all to ASCII strings. A
typical return would be: *pVersion == “1.01” (HAL version 1.01),*pStatus == “B”
(The 'B' is the beta designator), *pStatusRevision == “5”. The programmer need
only create pointers of const char type to pass as parameters (see Example below).
Parameters: pVersion - pointer to string of HAL version code
pStatus - pointer to string of HAL status code (NULL is release)
pStatusRevision - pointer to string of HAL statusRevision
Return Value: None
Example: const char *pVersion, *pStatus, *pStatusRevision;
seGetHalVersion( &pVersion, &pStatus, &pStatusRevision);
This document was written for HAL version “1.04”, so any later versions should be a
superset of the functions described here.
void seGetLibseVersion(int ** Version)
Description: Retrieves the LIBSE library version for non-x86 platforms. The return pointer in
parameter Version is valid if the function return value is ERR_OK.
Parameters: Version - pointer to an int to store LIBSE version code
Return Value: ERR_OK - no problems encountered, version code is valid
ERR_FAILED - unable to complete operation. Probably on x86 platform where
LIBSE is not used.
int seGetMemSize(int DevID, DWORD * pSize)
Description: This routine returns the amount of installed video memory. The memory size is
determined by reading the status of MD6 and MD7. *pSize will be set to either
80000h (512 KB) or 200000h (2 MB).