Epson Research and Development
Page 25
Vancouver Design Center
13505CFG Configuration Program S1D13505
Issue Date: 01/03/29 X23A-B-001-04
Enable Tooltips
Tooltips provide useful information about many of the items on the configuration tabs.
Placing the mouse pointer over nearly any item on any tab generates a popup window
containing helpful advice and hints.
To enable/disable tooltips check/uncheck the “Tooltips” option form the “Help” menu.
Tooltips are enabled by default.
ERD on the Web
This “Help” menu item is actually a hotlink to the Epson Research and Development
website. Selecting “Help” then “ERD on the Web” starts the default web browser and
points it to the ERD product web site.
The latest software, drivers, and documentation for the S1D13505 is available at this
About 13505CFG
Selecting the “About 13505CFG” option from the “Help” menu displays the about dialog
box for 13505CFG. The about dialog box contains version information and the copyright
notice for 13505CFG.
• On any tab particular options may be grayed out if selecting them would violate the
operational specification of the S1D13505 (i.e. Selecting extremely low CLKI frequen-
cies on the Clocks tab may result in no possible CRT options. Selecting TFT or STN on
the Panel tab enables/disables options specific to the panel type).
• The file panels.def is a text file containing operational specifications for several
supported, and tested, panels. This file can be edited with any text editor.
• 13505CFG allows manually altering register values. The manual changes may violate
memory and LCD timings as specified in the S1D13505 Hardware Functional Specifi-
cation, document number X23A-A-001-xx. If this is done, unpredictable results may
occur. Epson Research and Development, Inc. does not assume liability for any damage
done to the display device as a result of configuration errors.