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Epson Research and Development
Vancouver Design Center
S1D13550 13505PLAY Diagnostic Utility
X23A-B-005-04 Issue Date: 01/02/02
PC platform
: at the prompt, type
13505play [/?]
Embedded platform
: execute
and at the prompt, type the command line argument.
displays program version information.
The following commands are valid within the 13505PLAY program.
b 8|16 - Sets the ISA bus to 8 or 16 bits.
- Only sets up the PAL on the S5U13505 evaluation
board. There is no readback capability.
- Only supported on a S5U13505 evaluation board for
the PC platform. Switch 1-1 on the ealuation board
must be set to the same bus width as used with this
f[w] addr1 addr2 data . . .
- Fills bytes or words [w] from address 1 to address 2
with the data specified.
- Data can be multiple values (e.g.
F 0 20 1 2 3 4
fills 0 to 0x20 with a repeating pattern of 1 2 3 4).
h [lines]
- Halts after
of display. This feature halts the
display during long read operations to prevent data
from scrolling off the display. Similar to the DOS
MORE command.
- Set to 0 to disable this feature.
i [LCD] [CRT]
- Initializes the chip with the specified configuration.
The configuration is embedded in the 13505PLAY
utility and can be changed using the 13505CFG utility.
See the 13505CFG guide, document number
X23A-B-001-xx, for instructions on changing the
- If the output device is specified, the user can select
LCD, CRT, or both devices.
l index [red green blue]
- Reads/writes Look-Up Table (LUT) values.
- Writes data to the LUT[index] when data is specified.
- Reads the LUT[index] when the data is not specified.
- Reads all LUT values.
m [bpp]
- Reads current mode information.
- Sets the color depth (bpp) if “bpp” is specified.