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Epson Research and Development
Vancouver Design Center
S1D13505 13505BMP Demonstration Program
X23A-B-006-04 Issue Date: 01/02/02
use mouse to move hardware cursor (press ESC to exit program)
don’t clear display buffer memory
skips register initialization
portrait mode (not available for hardware cursor or ink layer images)
verbose mode (provides information about the displayed images)
displays the Help screen
13505BMP will automatically finish execution and return to the prompt.
Hardware Cursor/Ink Layer
13505BMP requires the BMP images for the Hardware Cursor and the Ink Layer to be stored in
specific formats. The Hardware Cursor BMP image must have a color depth of four bit-per-pixel and
be 64x64 pixels in resolution. The Ink Layer BMP image must have a color depth of four bit-per-
pixel and be the same resolution as the displayed image.
Both images are stored at a color depth of four bit-per-pixel allowing easy editing and saving in most
paint programs. To allow the two bit-per-pixel Hardware Cursor and Ink Layer to use the four bit-
per-pixel images, they are translated to two bit-per-pixel as in the following table.
Table 1: 4 Bpp to 2 Bpp Translation
Image Color Displayed Color
white white
black black
red invert
any other color transparent