Epson Research and Development
Page 75
Vancouver Design Center
Programming Notes and Examples S1D13505
Issue Date: 01/02/05 X23A-G-003-07
11.5.7 Ink Layer
The functions in this section support the hardware ink layer. Overall these functions are
nearly identical to the hardware cursor routines. In fact the same S1D13505 hardware is
used for both features which means that only the cursor or the ink layer can be active at any
given time.The difference between the hardware cursor and the ink layer is that in cursor
mode the image is a maximum of 64x64 pixels and can be moved around the display while
in ink layer mode the image is as large as the physical size of the display and is in a fixed
position. Both the Ink layer and Hardware cursor have the same number of colors and
handle these colors identically.
int seInitInk(int DevID)
Description: This routine prepares the ink layer for use. This consists of determining the start
address for the ink layer, setting the ink layer to the transparent color and enabling
the ink layer.
When this function returns the ink layer is enabled, transparent and ready to be
drawn on.
Parameters: DevID - a registered device ID
Return Value: ERR_OK - operation completed with no problems
ERR_FAILED- if the ink layer cannot be enabled due to timing constraints this
value will be returned.
int seInkOn(int DevID)
Description: Enables the ink layer after a call to seInkOff(). If the hardware cursor has not been
used between the time seInkOff() was called and this call then the contents of the ink
layer should be exactly as it was prior to the call to seInkOff().
Parameters: DevID - a registered device ID
Return Value: ERR_OK - operation completed with no problems
int seInkOff(int DevID)
Description: Disables the ink layer. When disabled the ink layer is not visible.
Parameters: DevID - a registered device ID
Return Value: ERR_OK - operation completed with no problems
int seGetInkStartAddr(int DevID, DWORD * Offset)
Description: This function retrieves the offset to the first byte of hardware ink layer memory.
Parameters: DevID - a registered device ID
Offset - a DWORD to hold the return value.
Return Value: ERR_OK - the operation completed with no problems.