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Epson Research and Development
Vancouver Design Center
S1D13505 Programming Notes and Examples
X23A-G-003-07 Issue Date: 01/02/05
Parameters: DevID - Registered device ID
x - horizontal coordinate of the pixel (starting from 0)
y - vertical coordinate of the pixel (starting from 0)
pColor - at 1, 2, 4, and 8 bpp pColor points to an index into the LUT.
At 15 and 16 bpp pColor points to the color directly
(i.e. rrrrrggggggbbbbb for 16 bpp)
Return Value: ERR_OK - operation completed with no problems.
int seDrawLine(int DevID, long x1, long y1, long x2, long y2, DWORD Color)
Description: This routine draws a line on the display from the endpoints defined by (x1,y1) to
(x2,y2) in the requested Color.
seDrawLine() supports horizontal, vertical, and diagonal lines.
Parameters: DevID - registered device ID.
(x1, y1) - top left corner of line
(x2, y2) - bottom right corner of line (see note below)
Color - color of line
- For 1, 2, 4, and 8 bpp, 'Color' refers to the pixel value which points to
the respective LUT/DAC entry.
- For 15 and 16 bpp, 'Color' refers to the pixel value which stores the
red, green, and blue intensities within a WORD.
Return Value: ERR_OK - operation completed with no problems
ERR_INVALID_REG_DEVICE - device argument is not valid.
int seDrawRect(int DevID, long x1, long y1, long x2, long y2, DWORD Color, BOOL
Description: This routine draws and optionally fills a rectangular area of display buffer. The
upper right corner of the rectangle is defined by (x1,y1) and the lower right corner
is defined by (x2,y2). The color, defined by
, applies to the border and to the
optional fill.
Parameters: DevID - registered device ID
(x1, y1) - top left corner of the rectangle (in pixels)
(x2, y2) - bottom right corner of the rectangle (in pixels)
Color - The color to draw the rectangle outline and solid fill
- At 1, 2, 4, and 8 bpp Color is an index into the Look-Up Table.
- At 15/16 bpp Color defines the color directly
(i.e. rrrrrggggggbbbbb for 16 bpp)
SolidFill - Flag whether to fill the rectangle or simply draw the border.
- Set to 0 for no fill, set to non-0 to fill the inside of the rectangle
Return Value: ERR_OK - operation completed with no problems.
int seDrawEllipse(int DevID, long xc, long yc, long xr, long yr, DWORD Color, BOOL