The magnapull-type starter has spring return. To
replace the return spring or starter cord, contact an
authorized service workshop.
Starter Handle
Misuse of the starter handle can damage the starter.
Do not twist the starter cord around your hand.
Pull out the handle slowly until the gears mesh. Do not
pull out the starter cord completely and do not let go of
the starter handle when extended.
Do not let the recoil cord snap back by itself.
This may damage the cord or the recoil
starter assembly.
Do not run the engine indoors, in
enclosed or poorly ventilated spaces.
Engine exhaust fumes contain
poisonous carbon monoxide.
Choke Control
The choke control opens and closes the choke valve in
the carburetor. This is only used to start a cold engine.
If the engine is warm, the control should be in the far
right position.
If the engine is cold, place the lever completely or
partly to the left. Move the lever back to the right once
the engine starts. Forgetting the choke is evident if the
engine runs roughly and produces black smoke.
This also results in increased fuel consumption.
Fuel Valve
The fuel valve opens and closes the connection
between the tank and the carburetor. The illustration
shows the tank valve closed; to open, turn the lever
completely to the right. There is no middle position.
Turn off the valve when the machine is not in use
to avoid ooding the carburetor. The fuel valve is
combined with a sludge reservoir.