3-16 System Operation
To restore the focus position back to the original factory setting, go back into this menu and
press the up and down arrow keys simultaneously.
You will see the motion system move to the 1 inch horizontal and the 1 inch vertical position
(factory default). Now select “YES, SAVE POSITION”. Press the “ESCAPE” button twice to exit
back to the “MAIN” menu. Your settings will automatically be retained permanently in memory.
The Rotary Fixture Axis is a setting that is pre-set at the factory. The laser system will sense
when the Rotary Fixture is plugged in and will position the X-Axis arm directly over the centerline
of rotation automatically when it begins to engrave. This setting can be altered if you position the
Rotary Fixture in a location OTHER than the factory set position. Please refer to the section on
the optional Rotary Fixture for a full description on how to set up and use this device before
altering any factory setting.
To change the factory default setting, turn the laser system OFF, place the Rotary Fixture on the
engraving table in the desired position, and DO NOT plug the Rotary Fixture into the electrical
socket. Now turn the laser system on and with the motion system arrow buttons, position the X-
Axis arm’s focus lens carriage directly over the Rotary Fixtures centerline of rotation as the
following diagram illustrates:
The left and right position (X-position) of the focus carriage is irrelevant in this setting and is not
shown in the display. Now select the “YES SAVE Y AXIS” choice. If you change your mind and
do not wish to alter the “ROTARY AXIS” position, select “CANCEL” instead and the original
settings will be restored. Remember, always escape back to the “MAIN” menu before turning the
system off so that your settings will be permanently stored in memory.