Next, the Installation directory is asked, if you have installed BitDefender Antivirus
Scanner for Unices on Linux, using the self-extracting archive. The default is /opt
and we will assume you go for it. The installer will create the directory
/opt/BitDefender-scanner, which will be the top-level directory on BitDefender
Antivirus Scanner for Unices, containing several sub-directories, such as doc, man,
var, Plugins (which is the location of the engines) and program binaries and the
configuration file. If the above-mentioned directory does not exist, you are asked
whether the installer should create it, assuming the default yes. If you do not agree
the directory to be created, the installer will stop.
From this moment, the installer has acquired all the necessary information and will
begin the install process. Basically, it will install the engines, the binaries and the
documentation and will make the post-install configuration. This is a short list of its
actions on your system.
• installs the manpages and configures the MANPATH accordingly
• creates a symbolic link to bdscan command in /usr/bin/bdscan for Linux and
/usr/local/bin/bdscan for FreeBSD
• configures the quarantine directory
Package installation