Default action upon detecting an infected file: ignore action
Default action upon detecting a suspected file: ignore action
/t ... xe infected: EICAR-Test-File (not a virus) <- cevakrnl.xmd
Folders :0
Files :1
Packed :0
Archives :0
Infected files :1
Suspect files :0
Warnings :0
Identified viruses:1
I/O errors :0
9.1.2. Scan a directory
The path to scan can be not only a path towards some file, but to any directory.
BitDefender Antivirus Scanner for Unices can scan recursively a directories tree, with
unlimited recursive level. You can change this, by setting a fixed depth level or by
disabling the recursion at all.
Let's suppose we have the followingtree structure, with one file and two sub-directories,
each sub-directory containing some other files.
|-- documents
| |-- document1.doc
| `-- document2.doc
|-- programs
| |-- program1.exe
| `-- program2.exe
`-- file.exe
We wantto scan the downloaded_files directory, but not the sub-directories,therefore
the recursion level is 1. We also want to quarantine the infected files, to study them
# bdscan --action=quarantine --recursive-level=1 top_dir
Real life usage