Prestige 650 ADSL Router
13-6 IP Policy Routing
Figure 13-4 Menu 3.2 — TCP/IP and DHCP Ethernet Setup
Go to menu 11.3 (shown next) and type the number(s) of the IP Routing Policy set(s) as appropriate. You
can cascade up to four policy sets by typing their numbers separated by commas.
Figure 13-5 Menu 11.3 — Remote Node Network Layer Options
13.6 IP Policy Routing Example
If a network has both Internet and remote node connections, you can route Web packets to the Internet
using one policy and route FTP packets to a remote network using another policy. See the next figure.
Menu 11.3 - Remote Node Network Layer Options
IP Options: Bridge Options:
IP Address Assignment= Static Ethernet Addr Timeout (min)= 0
Rem IP Addr:
Rem Subnet Mask=
My WAN Addr=
NAT= Full Feature
Address Mapping Set= 2
Metric= 2
Type IP
Policy sets
Menu 3.2 - TCP/IP and DHCP Ethernet Setup
DHCP Setup:
DHCP= None
Client IP Pool Starting Address= N/A
Size of Client IP Pool= N/A
Primary DNS Server= N/A
Secondary DNS Server= N/A
Remote DHCP Server= N/A
TCP/IP Setup:
IP Address=
IP Subnet Mask=
RIP Direction= Both
Version= RIP-2B
Multicast= IGMP-v2
IP Policies= 2,4,7,9
Edit IP Alias= No
Press ENTER to Confirm or ESC to Cancel:
Type IP
Policy sets