Prestige 650 ADSL Router
Hardware Installation and Initial Setup 2-13
2.10 Changing the System Password
Change the Prestige default password by following the steps shown next.
Step 1. Enter 23 in the main menu to display Menu 23 - System Password as shown next.
Step 2. Type your existing system password in the Old Password field, for example “1234”, and press
Figure 2-10 Menu 23 — System Password
Step 3. Type your new system password in the New Password field (up to 30 characters), and press
Step 4. Re-type your new system password in the Retype to confirm field for confirmation and press
Note that as you type a password, the screen displays an “*” for each character you type.
2.11 General Setup
Menu 1 — General Setup contains administrative and system-related information (shown next). The
System Name field is for identification purposes. However, because some ISPs check this name you should
enter your computer's "Computer Name".
• In Windows 95/98 click Start -> Settings -> Control Panel -> Network. Click the Identification
tab, note the entry for the Computer name field and enter it as the Prestige System Name.
• In Windows 2000 click Start->Settings->Control Panel and then double-click System. Click the
Network Identification tab and then the Properties button. Note the entry for the Computer
name field and enter it as the Prestige System Name.
• In Windows XP, click start -> My Computer -> View system information and then click the
Computer Name tab. Note the entry in the Full computer name field and enter it as the Prestige
System Name.
Menu 23 – System Password
Old Password= ****
New Password= ?
Retype to confirm= ?
Enter here to CONFIRM or ESC to CANCEL: