Expert reports
104 NN44400-710 Contact Center Performance Management 12 November 2010
Creating a report and connecting to the database (Crystal)
You can create new reports using Crystal Reports. To report on multiple time frames
using the same database view, you must create a report for each time frame.
• Ensure you know how to use Crystal Reports. Avaya recommends that you direct
your questions about Crystal Reports to your Crystal Reports vendor.
• You must have a user ID or password for Contact Center Manager Administration
Server. Contact your system administrator for the information.
Procedure steps
Step Action
1 From the Start menu, choose All Programs, Crystal 11.
2 Select Using the Report Wizard option, and then click OK.
3 If the Crystal Reports Welcome dialog box does not appear, select File, New.
4 Select Standard, and then click OK.
5 Expand the Create New Connection folder, and then select ODBC (RDO).
6 Click Next.
7 From the Data Source Name box, select the <ODBC entry> for the server.
8 In the User ID box, type the <user ID>.
9 In the Password box, type the password for Contact Center Manager Server.
10 From the Database list, select blue.
11 Click Finish.
12 Expand Current Connection, <OBDC entry>, blue, dbo, Views.
13 Select each view to include in the report, and click the right arrow button (>). Ensure
you use views and not tables when you create the report.
14 Click Next.
15 From the Available Fields list, select fields to display on the report and click the right
arrow button (>).
16 Click Next.
17 From the Available Fields list, select the fields you want to group data by, and click
the right arrow button (>).
18 Click Next.
Select the template required.
20 Click Finish.