Graphical displays
44 NN44400-710 Contact Center Performance Management 12 November 2010
12 From the Associated filter list, select the agent filter to assign to the agent map. Only
filters containing agents on the selected server appear. If your filters contain no agents
on the selected server, no filters appear in this list.
13 In the Threshold settings area, click the colors to which the text in the box view agent
map change when a threshold level is exceeded. In icon view, the agent icon changes
to these colors when a threshold level is exceeded.
14 When you choose the threshold colors, select colors that make the text easy to view
against the agent state background colors in box view.
15 If you do not use a mouse, press Tab until the status bar indicates that you have
reached the desired color. After, press the spacebar to select the color.
16 Select the Pop to front check box to move the agent map to the front of your desktop
when a threshold level is exceeded.
When an agent map moves to front, it only moves to the front of the browser session
from which you activate it. It does not move in front of other browser sessions, or other
open applications on your desktop, such as Microsoft Word.
17 Select the Text Flash check box to view the text in the launched box view agent map
flash when a threshold level is exceeded. (This option is not applicable to icon view
agent map displays.)
18 Select the Hide logged out Agents check box to view logged on agents only when
activate the agent map. If you do not select this check box, you see all agents in the
filter that you attach to the display, both logged on and logged off.
19 In the Agent state colors area, select the appropriate check boxes to choose the colors
to shown for each agent state.
20 Click Submit to save your changes.
The new agent map appears in the system tree under Graphical Displays.
Adding agents to an agent map
You cannot add an agent directly to an agent map. Instead, you must add the agent to
the filter that you assign to the agent map.
• Ensure you have agent elements in a filter. See Adding agent elements to a filter
(page 18).
Procedure steps
Step Action
1 On the main menu, click Filters, Manage Filters.
2 On the Filters tree, click the filter that is assigned to the agent map.