Real-time Reporting
24 NN44400-710 Contact Center Performance Management 12 November 2010
1 Log on to Contact Center Manager Administration.
2 On the launchpad, click Real-Time Reporting.
The Real-Time Reporting window appears.
Creating a private real-time display
Create a private real-time display to customize real-time displays.
For more information about customizing real-time displays. See Real-time report
customization (page 55).
• Create a copy of a public display template. See Making a public copy of a private
real-time display (page 25).
• Log on to Real-Time Reporting. See Logging on to Real-Time Reporting (page 23).
Procedure steps
Step Action
1 In the left pane, click the server on which to create a private real-time display.
2 Select the Public Tabular Displays folder.
3 From the expanded Public Tabular Displays folder, select the display to copy.
4 In the Public Display window, type the name of your new private display. You can use
only alphanumeric characters in the display name; do not use special characters.
When you copy a display, the system gives the new display a default name in the
format [server name]_[display name]. Because each private display must have a
unique name, you must type a new name if you save a private display with the same
default name.
5 To save the display in the Private Tabular Displays folder, click Make Private Copy.
6 On the Properties page, you can change the colors, font size, and the refresh rate.