NN44400-710 Contact Center Performance Management 12 November 2010 111
Expert reports
10 In the Timestamp box, type Timestamp (ensure you type a capital T or the report does
not run).
11 Select the Report Data Range option.
12 Click Next.
13 Click Finish.
Variable definitions
Linking subreport Timestamp fields
To import user-created reports that contain subreports, you must link the Timestamp
fields in the subreports to the container report.
The position of the linked subreport on the container report is important to ensure that
all subreports run for each of the Timestamps on the container report. To ensure that
each Timestamp in the container report is passed into the subreports, all linked
subreports appear in the details area of the container report.
• Use a Historical report.
• View a container report.
Attention: Subreports generate reports for each Timestamp field, rather than for a
time interval passed to the main report.
Procedure steps
Step Action
1 In the container report, choose Edit, Subreport Links.
2 Select the first subreport from the list.
3 In the Available Fields box, select the container report Timestamp field used to import
the report.
4 Select the right arrow button (>) to move the Timestamp to the Field(s) to link to list.
Variable Value
<SharedFolder> The folder name in which you save the report
<ReportTemplate> The required report template