Filter management
18 NN44400-710 Contact Center Performance Management 12 November 2010
6 To choose all available applications, select the Select All check box.
7 Click Submit to save your changes.
Adding agent elements to a filter
Include specific agents’ statistics by adding agent elements.
• Log on to Real-Time Reporting or Historical Reporting. See Logging on to Real-Time
Reporting (page 23) or Logging on to Historical Reporting (page 74).
• Create at least one filter. See Creating a filter in Real-time Reporting (page 15).
• Ensure that you have access to filters.
• Ensure that you do not log on as the webadmin.
Procedure steps
Step Action
1 From the Filters menu, select Manage Filters.
2 In the left pane, select the filter to edit.
3 Select the Contact Center Manager Server on which to add the elements.
4 Select the Agents tab.
5 Click the Assign Agents heading.
6 From the first list, select Last Name, First Name, Department, Comment, or Login
7 From the second list, select contains, is equal to, or start with.
8 In the box, type a value to search.
You can search for up to five levels by selecting And or Or from the last list.
9 Click Search.
Agents that match your criteria appear in a table.
10 In the list of available agents, select the check box for each agent to add to the filter.
To choose all available agents, select the Select All check box.
11 Click Submit to save your changes.