NN44400-710 Contact Center Performance Management 12 November 2010 67
Real-time report customization
You cannot rotate network summary charts.
• Log on to Real-Time Reporting. See Logging on to Real-Time Reporting (page 23).
• Open a summary chart.
Procedure steps
Step Action
1 While viewing the chart, press both mouse buttons.
2 Move your mouse in a circular direction.
The chart contents rotate.
Increasing or decreasing the summary chart size
Customize the size of the chart contents within the chart frame. You cannot increase the
size of the chart frame.
• Log on to Real-Time Reporting. See Logging on to Real-Time Reporting (page 23).
• Open a summary chart.
Procedure steps
Step Action
1 While viewing the chart, press Ctrl.
2 While pressing Ctrl, hold down both mouse buttons.
3 On the chart, move your mouse upward to decrease the size of the chart contents or
downward to increase chart contents.
4 After you adjust the size appropriately, release Ctrl and the mouse buttons.
5 To restore the chart to the original state, press R on your keyboard.
Zooming in on areas of a summary chart
Zoom in on a summary chart to view specific information.