4 NN44400-710 Contact Center Performance Management 12 November 2010
Exported displays 31
Exporting summary charts 31
Exporting network summary charts 32
Viewing an exported real-time display 33
Exporting real-time display grids 33
Changing the file name prefix of exported real-time display grids 33
Changing the path to export a summary chart 34
Printing a real-time display grid 35
Graphical displays 37
Adding a graphical display 38
Opening a graphical display 39
Deleting a graphical display 39
Making a public copy of a graphical display 40
Assigning threshold alerts to a nodal real-time display 41
Configuring an agent map 43
Adding agents to an agent map 44
Arranging agents in an agent map using drag and drop 45
Arranging agents in an agent map automatically 45
Customizing the agent map layout 46
Resizing an agent map 46
Changing the header format of icons in an agent map 46
Zooming in or out on an agent map display 47
Activate a display from an agent map 48
Activate an agent details window from an agent map 48
Configuring a billboard display 49
Configuring a chart display 50
Creating a private collection 52
Creating a private billboard collection 53
Creating a public collection or public billboard collection 53
Arranging the billboards in a billboard collection 54
Real-time report customization 55
Creating a Real-time Dashboard display 56
Adding charts to the Real-time Dashboard 56
Changing chart properties in the Real-time Dashboard display 57
Removing display charts from the Real-time Dashboard display 57
Saving the real-time display 58
Adding a new column to a real-time display 59
Customizing display properties 59
Changing the refresh rate of a real-time display 60
Changing the font size in a real-time display grid 60
Changing the chart type for a site summary 61
Changing the color settings of a real-time display grid 61
Changing the fill color of a summary chart 62
Changing column names 63