Expert reports
114 NN44400-710 Contact Center Performance Management 12 November 2010
1 Open Windows Explorer.
2 Browse to the path specified in the report folder, and then select the template file.
3 Choose Copy, Edit.
4 Select the folder containing the custom reports.
5 Choose Edit, File.
6 Rename the template file.
7 Use Crystal Reports to open the newly named template file.
8 Choose Report, Expert.
9 In the Sections list, select a section to include in the report.
10 If the Suppress (No Drill-Down) or Hide (Drill-Down Ok) check boxes appear as
selected, clear them.
11 If the Suppress (No Drill-Down) or Hide (Drill-Down Ok) properties have a formula,
click the button; otherwise proceed to step.
12 Delete the formula.
13 Click the Save and close icon.
14 Import the report.
15 Under report is based on the following data, select the report type. If the original name
contains config, select Configuration. For other reports, select Other Statistical data.
16 If you select Other Statistical data, enter the table name (or view) in step 1, and
replace the first character with the letter i (i).