Graphical displays
54 NN44400-710 Contact Center Performance Management 12 November 2010
2 In the Name box, type the name of the new collection or billboard collection. This is the
name that appears on the system tree. You can use only alphanumeric characters in
the collection name; you cannot use special characters.
3 From the Servers list, select the server on which to create and save the public
4 In the Element Type area, select All.
5 In the Presentation area, select either Public Collection or Public Billboard
6 Click Edit Properties. The Public Collection Properties or Public Billboard Collection
Properties window appears.
7 If you create a public billboard collection, proceed to step 10.
8 From each display list, select a display to include in this collection. The lists include all
the public grid and graphic displays that you save on the selected server. You can
choose maximum six different displays.
9 Click Submit to save the public collection.
10 In the Available box, highlight each public billboard to include in your billboard
collection, and then click the right arrow (>) to move the billboard to the Selected box.
You can choose from all public billboards on the current server, up to a maximum of 25
11 Click Submit to save the public billboard collection.
The new collection or billboard collection appears on the system tree under the Public
Graphical Displays folder on the currently selected server.
Arranging the billboards in a billboard collection
When you first activate a public or private billboard collection, the billboards appear in a
default order. However, you can change this order by dragging and dropping the
individual billboards within the billboard collection.
Procedure steps
Step Action
1 To rearrange the billboards back in the original layout, click Tile Billboards.
2 Click Save Layout.