NN44400-710 Contact Center Performance Management 12 November 2010 83
Historical Reporting
The server expands to reveal a choice between Public, Private, and Group folders (if
you have access to a group folder).
2 Expand the folder containing the report template to use.
3 Navigate to the report to edit.
The report properties appear in the right pane.
4 Click the Report Details heading.
5 In the Report Title box, type the name to appear at the top of the generated report.
If you type no new report title, the default title in this box appears at the top of the
generated report. Do not include apostrophes (’) in the report title.
Attention: If you save multiple copies of the same public report in your Group or Private report
templates folders, change the report title to distinguish between reports when you generate
them. If you do not change the report title, all copies of the same public report have the same
standard title when you generate the reports.
6 In the Save As box, type the new report name.
The name appears in the system tree. This name cannot contain an apostrophe and
must be unique if you save the report in the same folder.
7 From the Location list, select the folder in which to save your report. You can choose
either Private or Group (if you have access to a group folder).
8 From the Time zone list, select the time zone in which to schedule your report, or
accept the system default (the default time zone is the selected server time zone).
Attention: When you select the schedule time for your report, the system converts the time
that you choose to the Contact Center Manager Administration server time, and gives the
generated report the Contact Center Manager Administration server timestamp (if you choose
a time zone other than the one in the Contact Center Manager Administration server.)
9 Click the Schedule heading.
The heading expands to reveal a series of boxes.
10 In the schedule area, enter the report schedule.
11 Click the Output Options heading.
The heading expands to reveal a series of boxes.
The Output Options heading is disabled until you schedule the report.
12 In the Output Options area, choose the report output type:
•Print: When you select this option, you can choose the printer, or accept the
default printer shown. You can also select the paper size for the report from the
Paper Size list.
• Output to file: When you select this option, you must type the location where the
report is saved in the Output box in the format \\[computer name]\[shared folder
name]\[file name]. You can then choose the report file format, or accept the default
format, Crystal_Reports_Format (*.rpt).