NN44400-710 Contact Center Performance Management 12 November 2010 31
Exported displays
The procedures in this section describe how to work with exported real-time displays.
Prerequisites to exported displays
• Ensure that you have access to the Real-Time Reporting component and associated
access class elements.
• Exporting summary charts (page 31)
• Exporting network summary charts (page 32)
• Viewing an exported real-time display (page 33)
• Exporting real-time display grids (page 33)
• Changing the file name prefix of exported real-time display grids (page 33)
• Changing the path to export a summary chart (page 34)
• Printing a real-time display grid (page 35)
Exporting summary charts
You can export site summary charts as a bit map or a jpeg file.
• Log on to Real-Time Reporting. See Logging on to Real-Time Reporting (page 23).
Procedure steps
Step Action
1 In the left pane, under the relevant server, click the folder that contains the display.
2 In the expanded list, click the desired real-time display or chart graphical display.
3 In the right pane, click Launch Display.
4 On the real-time display, click [site name] Summary to view the real-time display site
summary chart.
5 If you view a site summary from a network consolidated real-time display, in the Site
column, click the desired site name
6 On the summary chart, click Export BMP.
Click Export JPG.