NN44400-710 Contact Center Performance Management 12 November 2010 87
Historical Reporting
• Save Location: Select the folder in which to save the custom report. If you select
Group, all members of your group have access to the report. If you select Private,
only you have access to the report.
• Time Zone: Select the time zone in which to schedule or define the data range for
this report, or accept the default time shown (the system defaults to the Contact
Center Manager Server time zone). The data range depends on Contact Center
Manager Server time because the server stores the data. Therefore, the system
always converts the data range times that you enter to Contact Center Manager
Server time.
5 Click the Selection Criteria heading.
The heading expands to reveal a series of boxes.
6 Specify the information to include in your report by assigning filter elements (or filters if
you work with a network-consolidated report).
7 Click the Data Range heading.
The heading expands to reveal a series of boxes.
8 Change the time range, during which the data collects, to specify the amount of data to
include in your report.
If the data range is None and disabled, the report does not require a data range.
9 Click the Schedule heading.
10 Indicate when and how often to generate your report.
11 Click the Output Options heading (only if you schedule the report). The heading
expands to reveal a series of boxes.
12 Specify whether to save or print the report. You can enter e-mail addresses to where
the system sends a notification to indicate if the report generates successfully.
13 Click Save Report.
Attention: If you click Run Now to generate an on-demand report, no property changes save.
Printing an ad hoc report
You can print an on-demand report from the Ad-Hoc Report viewer.
Before you can print the report, you must run it. You can run the report with the current
properties, or you can define the selection criteria and the data range, and then run the
report. See Defining the selection criteria (page 75)