If the seat width is too w ide, make the 60° [A] grind de-
scribed below.
If the seat width is within the specified range, lap the valve
to the seat as described below.
Grind the seat at a 60° angle until the seat width is within
the specified range.
To make the 60° grind, fit 60° cutter into the holder, and
slide it into the valve guide.
Turn the holder, while pressing down lightly.
After making the 60° grind, return to the seat width mea-
surement step above.
Correct Width [B]
Lap the valve to the seat, once the seat width and O.D.
are within the ranges specified above.
Put a little coarse grinding compound on the face of the
valve in a number of places around the valve head.
Spin the valve against the seat until the grinding com-
pound produces a smooth, matched surface on both the
seat and the valve.
Repeat the process with a fine grinding compound.
[A] Lapper
[B] Valve Seat
[C] Valve
The seating area should be marked about in the middle
of the valve face.
If the seat area is not in the r ight place on the valve, check
to be sure the valve is the correct part. If it is, it may have
been refaced too much; replace it.
Be sure to remove all grinding compound before assem-
When the engine is assembled, be sure to adjust the valve
clearance (see Valve Clearance Adjustment in Periodic
Maintenance chapter).