Periodic Maintenance Procedures
Oil Filter Replacement
Drain the engine oil.
Remove the oil filter [A] with the oil filter wrench [B].
Special Tool - Oil Filter Wrench: 57001-1249
Replace the filter with a new one.
When installing the oil filter, be careful of the following.
Apply oil to the gasket [A] before installation.
Tighten the filter with the oil filter wrench.
Special Tool - Oil Filter Wrench: 57001-1249
To rque - Oil Filter: 18 N·m (1.8 kgf·m, 13 ft·lb)
Pour in the specified type and amount of oil.
Tire Inspection
Examine the tire for damage and wear.
If the tire is cut or cracked, replace it.
Lumps or high spots on the tread or sidewalls indicate
internal damage requiring tire replacement.
Remove any foreign objects from the t read. After re-
moval, check for leaks with a soap and water solution.
Measure the tread depth at the center of the tread with a
depth gauge [A]. Since the tire may wear unevenly, take
measurements at several places.
If any measurements are less than the service limit, re-
place t he tire.
Tire Tread Depth
Service Limit:
Front: 3 mm (0.12 in.)
Rear: 4 mm (0.16 in.)
Standard Tire
Front: AT 25 × 8 - 12
DUNLOP, KT191, Tubeless
Rear: AT 25 × 10 - 12
DUNLOP, KT195, Tubeless