Ignition System
Ignition Coil Inspection
Remove the ignition coil.
Measure the arcing distance w ith a coil tester [A] to check
the condition of the ignition coil [B].
Connect t he ignition coil (with the spark plug cap left at-
tached at the end of the spark plug lead) to the tester in
the manner prescribed by the manufacturer and measure
the arcing distance.
Ignition Coil Arcing Distance
7 mm (0.28 in.) or more
To avoid extremely high voltage shocks, do not
touch the ignition coil body or leads.
If the distance reading is less than the specified value, the
ignition coil or spark plug cap is defective.
To determine which part is defective, measure the arcing
distance again with the spark plug cap removed from the
ignition coil. Remove the cap by t urning it counterclock-
If the arcing distance is as before, the trouble is with the
ignition coil. If the arcing distance is normal, the trouble
is with the spark plug cap.
If a coil tester is not available, the coil can be checked for
a broken or badly shorted winding with a hand tester.
Special Tool - Hand Tester: 57001-1394
The hand tester cannot detect layer shorts and shorts
resulting from insulation breakdown under high voltage.
Measure the primary winding resistance [A] as follows:
Connect the tester between the coil terminals.
Set the tester to the × 1 Ω range.
Measure the secondary winding resistance [B] as follows:
Remove the plug cap by turning it counterclockwise.
Connect the tester between the spark plug lead and ter-
Set the tester to the × 1 kΩ range.
Ignition Coil Winding Resistance
Primary Windings: 0.09 ∼ 0.13 Ω
Secondary Windings: 3.8 ∼ 5.8 kΩ
If the hand tester does not read as specified, replace the
To install the plug cap, turn it clockwise.