Wheel Alignment
Repeat the straightedge procedure on the other side of
the vehicle. Now the front wheels are parallel to each
other and to the center line of the vehicle.
Front Wheel [A]
Vehicle Center Line [B]
Parallel each other [C]
Straightedges [D]
Rear Wheels [E ]
Go on to the Toe-in Inspection procedure.
Toe-in Inspection
Apply a heavy coat of chalk or a paint line near the center
of the front tires.
Using a needle nose scriber, make a thin mark near the
center of the chalk coating while turning the wheel.
With the front wheels on the ground, set the handlebar
straight ahead.
At the level of the axle height, measure the distance be-
tween the scribed or painted lines for both front and rear
of the front tires.
Subtract the measurement of the f ront from the measure-
ment of the rear to get the toe-in.
If the toe-in is not in the specified range, go on to the
Toe-in Adjustment procedure.
Toe -in of Front Wheels
Standard: –10 ∼ 10 mm (–0.39 ∼ 0.39 in.) at 1G
Toe-in Adjustm ent
Loosen the locknuts [A] [B] and turn the tie-rod [C] the
same number of turns on both sides to achieve the spec-
ified toe-in.
The locknut [B] near the L mark [D] on the tie-rod has
left-hand threads. Turn the locknut clockwise for loos-