Front Final Gear Case
Mount a dial gauge [A] so that the tip of the gauge is
against the splined portion [B] of the pinion gear shaft.
To measure the backlash, move the pinion gear shaft
back and forth [C] while holding the front axle steady.
The difference between the highest and the l owest gauge
reading is the amount of backlash.
Measure backlash at three locations equally spaced on
the splines.
Front Final Bevel Gear Backlash
Standard: 0.10 ∼ 0.20 mm (0.004 ∼ 0.008 in.) (at
pinion gear spline)
If the backlash is not within the limit, replace the pinion
gear shims. To increase backlash, increase the thickness
of the shim(s). To decrease backlash, decrease the thick-
ness of the shim(s).
Change the thickness a little at a time.
Recheck the backlash, and readjust as necessary.
Tooth Contact Adjustment
Clean any dirt and oil off the bevel gear teeth.
Apply checking compound to 4 or 5 teeth on the pinion
Apply checking compound to the teeth in a thin, even
coat with a fairly stiff paint brush. If painted too thickly,
the exact tooth pattern may not appear.
The checking compound must be smooth and firm, with
the consistency of tooth paste.
Special compounds are available from automotive sup-
ply stores for the purpose of checking differential gear
tooth patterns and contact. Use one of these for check-
ing the bevel gears.
Assemble the front final gear case (see Front Final Gear
Case Assembly).
It is not necessary to install the variable front differential
control unit.
Turn the pinion gear shaft [A] for one revolution in the
drive and reverse (coast) direction, while creating a drag
on the ring gear.
Remove the ring gear and pinion gear unit to check the
drive pattern and coast pattern of the bevel gear teeth.