Connect two suitable hoses [A] to the fuel level gauge [B]
and the float chamber of the carburetors.
Special Tool - Fuel Level Gauge: 57001-1017
Mark the additional graduation [C] 15 mm (0.59 in.) higher
than the top graduation [D].
Hold the gauge so that the additional graduation is placed
slightly higher than the punch mark [E].
[F] Front Carburetor
[G] Rear Carburetor
Run the engine at idle speed.
Loosen the carburetor drain screw.
Special Tool - Carburetor Drain Plug Wrench, Hex 3:
Wait until the fuel level in the gauge settles.
Hold the gauge vertically and lower it slowly so that the
additional graduation aligns with punch mark.
Do not align the additional graduation on the gauge
lower than the punch m ark. If it is lowered and then
raised, the gauge will show a fluid level that is higher
than the actual level, which will require a remeasure-
Read the fuel level [H].
If the fuel level is incorrect, adjust it.
Fuel Level
Front 20.4 ±1 mm (0.80 ±0.04 in.) below the
punch mark
Rear 19.5 ±1 mm (0.77 ±0.04 in.) below the
punch mark
Stop the engine.
Tighten the drain screw.
Repeat the same procedure for the other carburetor.