Troubleshootin g Guide
Cylinder head gasket damaged
Cylinder head warped
Valve not seating properly (valve bent,
worn, or carbon accumulation on the
seating surface)
Compression release cam (K.A.C.R.) sticks
open (Engine stalls when moving off)
Carburetor vacuum piston doesn’t s lide
Engine oil viscosity too high
Brake dragging
Igniter trouble
Front or rear final gear case oil viscosity too
Poor Running or No Power at High Speed:
Firing incorrect:
Spark plug dirty, broken, or maladjusted
Spark plug cap or spark plug lead trouble
Spark plug cap shorted or not in good con-
Spark plug incorrect
Crankshaft sensor trouble
Igniter trouble
Ignition coil trouble
Drive belt failure detection switch activated
Fuel/air mixture incorrect:
Main jet clogged or wrong size
Jet needle or needle jet worn
Main air jet clogged
Bleed holes of air bleed pipe or needle jet
Fuel level too high or too low
Air cleaner clogged, poorly sealed, or miss-
Starter plunger stuck open
Water or foreign matter in fuel
Carburetor holder loose
Air cleaner duct loose
Fuel tank air vent obstructed
Fuel tap clogged
Fuel line clogged
Compression low:
Spark plug loose
Cylinder head not sufficiently tightened
No valve clearance
Cylinder, piston worn
Piston rings bad (worn, weak, broken, or
Piston ring/groove clearance excessive
Cylinder head gasket damaged
Cylinder head warped
Valve not seating properly (valve bent,
worn, or carbon accumulation on the
seating surface.)
Compression release cam (K.A.C.R.) sticks
open (Engine stalls when moving off)
Carbon built up in combustion chamber
Fuel poor quality or incorrect
Spark plug incorrect
Igniter trouble
Throttle valve won’t fully open
Carburetor vacuum piston doesn’t slide
Brake dragging
Engine oil level too high
Engine oil viscosity too high
Front or rear final gear case oil viscosity too
Firing incorrect:
Spark plug dirty, broken, or maladjusted
Spark plug incorrect
Igniter trouble
Fuel/air mixture incorrect:
Main jet clogged
Fuel level too low
Carburetor holder loose
Air cleaner poorly sealed, or missing
Air cleaner duct l oose
Air cleaner clogged
Compression high:
Carbon built up in combustion chamber
Engine load faulty:
Engine oil level too high
Engine oil viscosity too high
Drive train trouble
Brake dragging
Lubrication inadequate:
Engine oil level too low
Engine oil poor quality or incorrect
Front or rear final gear case overheating:
Insufficient oil
Bevel gears maladjusted
LSD clutches in front final gear case m alad-
Coolant incorrect:
Coolant level too low
Coolant deteriorated
Thick coolant
Cooling system component incorrect:
Radiator clogged
Thermostat trouble
Radiator cap trouble
Radiator fan switch trouble
Fan m otor broken