Charging System
Alternator Inspection
There are three t ypes of alternator failures: short, open,
or loss in rotor magnetism. A short or open in one of the coil
wires will result in either a low output, or no output at all. A
loss in rotor magnetism, which may be caused by dropping
or hitting the alternator, by leaving it near an electromag-
netic field, or just by aging, will result in low output.
To check the alternator output voltage, perform the follow-
ing procedures.
Disconnect the alternator connector [A].
Connect a hand tester [B] as shown in the table.
Start the engine.
Run it at the rpm given in the table.
Note the voltage readings (total 3 measurements).
Alternator Output Vo ltage
Tester Range
Tester (+) to Tester (–) to @3 000 rpm
250 V AC One black lead
Another black
38 ∼ 58 V
If the output voltage is within the values in the table, the
alternator is operating correctly, and the regulator/rectifier
is damaged. A m uch lower reading indicates that the al-
ternator is defective.
Check the stator coil resistance as follows:
Stop the engine.
Disconnect the alternator connector.
Connect a hand tester as shown in the table.
Note the readings (total 3 measurement).
Stator Coil Resistance @20°C (68°F)
Tester Range
Tester (+) to Tester (–) to
×1Ω One black lead
Another black
0.29 ∼ 0.43 Ω
If there is more resistance than shown in the table, or no
reading (infinity) for any two leads, the stator has an open
and m ust be replaced. Much less resistance means the
stator is shorted and must be replaced.
Using the highest resistance range of the hand tester,
measure the resistance between each of the black leads
and chassis ground.
Any reading less than infinity (∞) indicates a short, neces-
sitating stator replacement.
If the stator coils have normal resistance, but the voltage
check shows the alternator to be defective; then the rotor
magnetism has probably weakened, and the rotor must
be replaced.
Special Tool - Hand Tester: 57001-1394