
System Terminals
House Phones: The R1 and T1 terminals provide telephone service to the house if the installation
contains an RJ-31X terminal block for true phone line seizure.
Telephone Company: The incoming telephone service is wired through an RJ-31X jack to the R and T terminals
on the control panel. If regular phone service is unavailable, the system will provide
power and a distinct system tone to all in house phones.
Speakers: The control panel contains amplified internal and external siren drivers. Both internal
and external speaker connections require 8 , 10 watt (minimum) speakers. The "EXT"
and "COM" (speaker common) terminals provide full volume audio during activation.
Mount the external speaker(s) in an area that is unaccessible to intruders and will provide
a sufficient volume during an activation.
The "INT" and "COM" terminals produce speech, low volume monitor beeps, keypad
echo beeps, system status, pre-alarm warning, and a high volume alert during activation.
Typically, the speaker (16) in the RK36 keypad is used as the internal speaker;
however, any 8, 10 watt (minimum) speaker can be combined with the keypad to
provide audio to areas without a keypad. Use of the internal keypad speaker is not
permitted in a UL installations. See "Specifications" for compatible speakers.
Wire all speakers in a series/parallel combination that does not allow the impedance for
either the internal or external output to drop below 4Ω.
Transformer (AC Power): Use a 16.5 VAC, 40 VA transformer (supplied) to supply AC power. Do not connect the
transformer to a switched AC outlet. If an AC failure occurs, after 1 minute
(programmable) the system will speak "POWER OFF", the keypad POWER LED will turn
off, and the keypad STATUS LED will begin to flash. After requesting system status the
system will speak "POWER OFF" and the STATUS LED will become solid. AC failure
and restore conditions can be transmitted to the central station.
2-Wire Smoke Detectors: 2-wire smoke detectors are connected to the "Aux+" and "SMK-" terminals. Be certain to
observe polarity. Smoke power reset is built into the panel by using the Aux Relay (See
Wiring Diagram). Program the Smoke Reset Trigger to activate output 8 (Aux Relay).
Entering a valid full function user code followed by the "6" digit. When the Smoke Reset
Trigger is programmed, the panel will speak "Smoke Power." A 4.7K resistor must be
wired in parallel with the last detector in the loop. If a resistor is not used, or if there is a
break in the loop, a TROUBLE indication will occur. Up to 12 2-wire smoke detectors
can be powered by the smoke power supply.
4-Wire Smoke Detectors: The "Aux+" terminal supplies up to 1.85 AMPs of power. A 4.7K resistor must be wired
in parallel with the detector and wired to a zone input. Power is drawn from the Aux+
and COM terminals. Smoke power reset is built into the panel by using the Aux Relay
(See Wiring Diagram). Program the Smoke Reset Trigger to activate output 8 (Aux
Relay). Entering a valid full function user code followed by the "6" digit. When the
Smoke Reset Trigger is programmed, the panel will speak "Smoke Power."
Auxiliary Power: 12V+ Auxiliary power for hardwire devices such as motion detectors and glass break
detectors is available on the "AUX" terminal. The auxiliary output is protected at 1.85
Keypad 4-wire Bus: Connect corresponding 4-wire bus colored wires from peripheral devices to the
appropriate terminals. Additional devices may be daisy chained or wired in parallel to
the system board. The 4-wire bus is protected at 1.85 Amps.
Auxiliary Relay: A programmable relay is available on the "RNC" , and "RNO" terminals. Use "RNC" for
relay normally closed or "RNO" for relay normally open.