Set Time and Date: After entering 9991 the system will prompt "Enter Eleven." The time, day, and date are
entered in the following format HHMMWMMDDYY.
HHMM - Military time, if the hour value is less than 10 use a leading zero.
W - Day of the week: 1-Sun 2-Mon 3-Tue 4-Wed 5-Thr 6-Fri 7-Sat.
MM - Month. Months less than 10 use a leading zero.
DD - Date. Days less than 10 use a leading zero.
YY - Enter the last 2 digits of the year.
Signal End of Exit Delay: With this option, the system will speak "EXIT IS OVER" when the exit delay time has
expired after arming. The system will also speak "EXIT IN (number of seconds remaining
in exit delay)" every 10 seconds. NOTE: Exit delays greater than 90 seconds are not
enunciated until 90 seconds remain in the exit countdown.
Silence Inside Speaker in With this option selected, status, keypad echo and pre-alarm sounds to the inside
HOME/Night mode: speakers will be silenced when the system is armed to HOME or Night. Alarm
activations will continue to sound. This option may be used in a home where someone is
often coming home late at night and they do not want to disturb others when they arrive.
This feature is not permitted in a UL installation.
Silent Knight Fast: Silent Knight Fast - 1400Hz handshake/kiss-off, 1900Hz data transmission, 40/30
millisecond tone (15 baud), 560 millisecond inter-digit delay
Silent Knight Slow: Silent Knight, Ademco, Vertex, Adcor - 1400Hz handshake/kiss-off, 1900Hz data
transmission, 51/49 millisecond tone (10 baud), 600 millisecond inter-digit delay
Smoke Reset: Enter a full function user code followed by the 6 digit to reset hardwire smoke detectors.
Power to the smoke detectors is momentarily interrupted allowing them to reset. The
system will speak, "SMOKE POWER" and activate the auxiliary relay if the system trigger
Smoke Power is assigned to output 8 (auxiliary relay) .
Speak Account Number: Speaks programmed account number.
Speak Alert Memory: To hear all activations stored in LTM enter a full function code followed by the 8 key.
The LTM will be spoken in order starting from the most recent activation. If there are no
activations stored, the system will speak, "NO ALARM ENTRY". LTM and EML can be
simultaneously cleared by entering 9898 in program mode. LTM will store 8 activations.
If there are more than 8 activations, the oldest will drop off leaving room for the most
Speak Auxiliary Zone When this option is programmed and "Show open status at the keypad" is selected for an
Type: auxiliary zone type, the system will speak the zone description when the zone is
Speak Extended Monitor: When this option is programmed, during an extended monitor the system will repeatedly
speak the zone description instead of activating a series of beeps.