Chapter 1: SmartSwitch Router Product Overview
22 SmartSwitch Router User Reference Manual
User Mode
After you log in to the SSR, you are automatically in User mode. The User commands
available are a subset of those available in Enable mode. In general, the User commands
allow you to display basic information and use basic utilities such as ping information.
To list the User commands, enter:
The User mode command prompt consists of the SSR name followed by the angle bracket
The default name is SSR unless it has been changed during initial configuration using the
system set name command. Refer to the SmartSwitch Router Command Line Interface
Reference Manual for information on the system facility.
To list the commands available in User mode, enter a question mark (?) as shown in the
following example:
Enable Mode
Enable mode provides more facilities than User mode. You can display critical features
within Enable mode including router configuration, access control lists and SNMP
statistics. To enter Enable mode, enter the enable command, then supply the password
when prompted.
List the User commands. ?
ssr> ?
aging - Show L2 and L3 Aging information
cli - Modify the command line interface behavior
dvmrp - Show DVMRP related parameters
enable - Enable privileged user mode
exit - Exit current mode
file - File manipulation commands
igmp - Show IGMP related parameters
ipx - Show IPX related parameters
l2-tables - Show L2 Tables information
logout - Log off the system
multicast - Configure Multicast related parameters
ping - Ping utility
statistics - Show or clear SSR statistics
stp - Show STP status
traceroute - Traceroute utility
vlan - Show VLAN-related parameters