HP (Hewlett-Packard) 16501A Sander User Manual

Talking to the Logic Analysis System
In general, computers acting as controllers communicate with the instrument
by sending and receiving messages over a remote interface, such as HP-IB,
RS-232-C, or Ethernet LAN.
When programming the HP 16500C with the HP 16501A Expansion Frame
connected, most of the remote operation of the expansion frame is
transparent. The only time a programming command is affected by the
presence of the expansion frame is when the number of slots is specified or
returned from a query.
Instructions for programming the system will normally appear as ASCII
character strings embedded inside the output statements of a "host" language
available on your controller. The host language’s input statements are used
to read in responses from the system. For example, HP 9000 Series 300
BASIC uses the OUTPUT statement for sending commands and queries to
the system. After a query is sent, the response can be read in using the
ENTER statement. All programming examples in this manual are presented
Example This BASIC statement sends a command that causes the logic analyzer’s
machine 1 to be a state analyzer:
Each part of the above statement is explained in this section.