Query :TGTctrl:ALL<N>?
The ALL query returns all parameters of the signal specified by <N>. These
values may be individually queried using other commands in the TGTctrl
<N> An integer, 0 through 7.
Returned Format
[:TGTctrl:ALL<N>] <on>,<name>,<type>,<bits>,<drive>,<last>,
<on> {0|1} 0 indicates signal is not active, 1 indicates signal is active.
<name> A string of up to 14 characters
{0|1|2} indicating type of output signal. 0 indicates toggle, 1 indicates
pulse, and 2 indicates a sequence.
<bits> An integer, 0 through 255, whose binary form indicates the signal’s bit mask.
A value of 1 means the bit is turned on.
{0|1} indicating output type. A value of 0 indicates normal (TTL), and 1
indicates open collector.
<last> An integer, 1 through 7, indicating last state.
<current> An integer, 0 through 7, indicating current state.
<state0> –
An integer, 0 through 255, whose binary form indicates the value put out
when the signal is in that state. Values occurring after the last state are not
See Also SIGNal, NAME, TYPE, BITS, DRIVe, LASTstate, CURSTate, and STATEs
commands in this chapter.
TGTctrl Subsystem