HP (Hewlett-Packard) A3311A Tool Storage User Manual

T & Diagnostics
16. Disk Module Format Progress Indication Bytes
Byte 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
SKSV Reserved
Progress Indication (MSB=16; LSB=17)
The Progress Indication field is a percent complete indication in which the returned value is the numerator that has
655326 (10000h) as its denominator. The progress indication will be based upon the total format operation including
any certification or initialization operations. Support of format progress indication is provided in each drive Product
Manual Volume 1.
Product Unique Sense Data: Not used.
Table 14 lists the Sense Keys in the Extended Sense Data Format used by the drive.
Table 15 lists the Extended Sense Additional Sense codes and Additional Sense Qualifier codes.