
EATON Powerware
9155 Parallel UPS (8–15 kVA) User’s Guide S 164201592 Rev C www.powerware.com
2. If you ordered a factory-configured parallel UPS, remove the
Powerware Hot Sync CAN Bridge Card from the X-Slot on the front
of the UPS. Retain the screws.
Otherwise, remove the X-Slot communication bay cover and retain
the screws.
3. Set the jumper pins on the Powerware Hot Sync CAN Bridge Card
according to the parallel configuration (see Figure 18):
S If only two UPSs are paralleled, then set both cards to Pins 1
and 2.
S For three paralleled UPSs, set the cards of the first and last UPS
to Pins 1 and 2; set the card for the middle UPS to Pins 2 and 3.
Jumper J7 - Pins 1 and 2
Jumper J7 - Pins 2 and 3
Figure 18. Setting the CAN Bridge Card Jumper J7 (Side View)