Operating Basics
TSG 601 User Manual
ID Messages
The TSG 601 lets the user edit ID messages “off line.” This means
that you can edit a message without affecting the instrument’s out-
put—or the ID currently inserted in the picture. To help prevent inad-
vertent changes to the current ID, the instrument will only insert ID
messages that have been saved through the ID menu or the Store key.
In the TSG 601, there are eight numbered storage locations for ID
messages, ID#1 through ID#8. Each location contains a simple “fac-
tory” message when the instrument is new (or immediately after a
“FACTORY RESET”—see page 57).
The procedure for creating and displaying a new message is:
1. Select an existing ID# for editing;
2. Change the message as desired (see page 10);
3. Save the changes (by pressing
ENTER); and
4. Later recall that ID# through the ID menu or the Recall key.
If you edit the current ID# (that is, the one in the TSG output when
you begin the edit), the on-screen message will change in step 3. If
you edit a different ID#, the message will not change in step 3; rath-
er, you’ll have to perform step 4 to insert the new message. If you
edit an ID# that is part of a currently active ID cycle, the new mes-
sage will take the place of the old one the first time the ID# appears
after step 3.
To minimize the chance of outputting a test signal with an incorrect
ID message, please familiarize yourself with ID selection and editing
before you use the TSG 601 in a critical application.
Embedded Audio
The TSG 601 embedded audio function provides 16 channels of au-
dio. The maximum output, however, is four channels at a time, so the
channels are divided into four groups of four channels:
Group 1 Channels 1 – 4
Group 2 Channels 5 – 8
Group 3 Channels 9 – 12
Group 4 Channels 13 – 16