WM Configuration
VBrick WM Appliance Admin Guide 67
JPEG Configuration
The following fields enable image capture and specify the capture interval and compression
quality. Note that if you change any of these parameters for a live encoder stream, there will
be a momentary (10 seconds or less) loss of video. (For JPEG capture status, see Status:
JPEG Status on page 100.)
Image Capture Enable Check this box to enable image capture. Default = disabled.
Note that toggling this parameter on or off will reboot the
Image Capture Interval 1–600 seconds. Specify the interval at which images are
captured. Default = 5.
JPEG Compression Quality 0–100. Values over 80 marginally affect image quality and
may impact other system resources. For best results,
experiment with the output and choose the lowest value that
provides acceptable image quality. Default = 80.
Deinterlaced Image Enable Vertical resolutions above 288 lines are deinterlaced to
provide higher vertical resolutions. Deinterlacing while there
is motion on the encoded video can cause visual artifacts on
the captured JPEG image. Be aware that disabling interlacing
removes the visual artifacts but creates a JPEG image that is one
half the height and one half the width of the original resolution. For
example, a 640x480 video resolution will be encoded as a
320x240 JPEG file. Default = Disabled. Note that toggling
this parameter on or off will reboot the appliance.