Prestige 128MH PSTN Router/Hub
Dial-In Server Configuration 8-9
Table 8-3 provides instructions on how to fill in the Edit Dial-In User fields.
Table 8-3. Edit Dial-in User Menu Fields
Field Description Option
This is a required field. This will be used as the login name for authentication.
Choose a descriptive word for login, for example, [johndoe].
Active You can disallow dial-in access to this user by setting this field to [Inactive].
Inactive users are displayed with a [-] (minus sign) at the beginning of the
name in Menu 14.
Password Enter the password for the remote dial-in user.
Callback This field determines if your Prestige will allow call back to this user upon
dial-in. If this option is enabled, your Prestige will call back to the user if
requested. In such a case, your Prestige will disconnect the initial call from
this user and dial back to the specified callback number (see below).
l [No] - The default is [no callback].
l [Optional] - The user can choose to disable callback.
l [Mandatory] - The user can not disable callback.
Phone #
by Caller
This option allows the user to specify the call back telephone number on a
call-by-call basis. This is useful when your Prestige returns a call back to a
mobile user at different numbers, e.g., a sales rep. In a hotel.
l If the setting is [Yes], the user can specify and send to the Prestige the
callback number of his/her choice.
l The default is [No], i.e., your Prestige always calls back to the fixed
callback number.
Phone #
If [Phone # Supplied by Caller] is [Yes], then this is a required field.
Otherwise, a [N/A] will appear in the field. Enter the telephone number to
which your Prestige will call back.