Prestige 128MH PSTN Router/Hub
Hardware Installation & Initial Setup 2-19
Table 2-5. Async WAN Port Setup Menu Fields (continued)
Enter the telephone number assigned to your telephone line by your
telephone company. Note that your Prestige only accepts digits; do not
include dashes and spaces in this field.
Device Type For WAN Port, use the space bar to select one of the following types:
[Modem / ISDN TA / X.25 PAD / 56K Modem]. A Device Type is
selected for the WAN Port such that a Remote Node only picks up a
free device of the selected type to dial out. Only the WAN Ports of the
same device type can be bundled. This field is not applicable if the
Connection Type is s et to [Leased]. The device types for the internal
modems are Modem by default.
Space-bar to
[X.25 PAD]
[56K Modem]
Port Speed Use the space bar to select the speed between the WAN port and the
external device. Available speeds are:
9600 / 19200 / 38400 / 57600 / 115200 / 230000 bps
AT Command
String: Init
Enter an AT command string to initialize the modem or ISDN TA. When
the Connection Type is set to [Switch], you mus t include AT command
“s0=0” to disable modem auto-answer; the Prestige will decide when to
answer an incoming call.
Note the default AT command string [at&fs0=0w2s95=1] for the
internal modems.
(Default: ats0=0)
To edit the Advanced Setup for this Modem/ISDN TA, move the cursor
to this field, use the space bar to select [Yes] and press [Enter]. This will
bring you to Menu 2.1.1 - Advanced Setup.
When you complete this menu, press [Enter] to save your configuration, or [Esc] to cancel. After you press
[Enter], the Prestige uses the information you have saved to initialize the WAN Port and the connected
Modem/ISDN TA.