
6 Click Save.
The Route Plans page appears listing the new route plan.
Using the Route Plan
You can use Route Plan Wizard to create route plans. The wizard
combines the steps required to create a route plan into a sequence of
three screens. The wizard allows you to specify existing dial string
patterns, routes and their end points, or create new string patterns,
routes, and end points.
To create a route plan using the Route Plan Wizard:
1 Click Route Plan Wizard.
The first page of the Route Plan Wizard appears. See Figure 118
Day Time Band Weekday Band Allows you to select a defined weekday band that
represents particular days of the week, such as Monday
through Friday. A Day Time Band and a Weekday Band
must be used together, but cannot be used in
combination with other source-based inputs. See
Managing Week Day Bands
Day Time Band Allows you to select a defined day time band that
represents a time band within one day (for example,
0800 - 1200 hours). The granularity is in seconds. A Day
Time Band and a Weekday Band must be used together,
but cannot be used in combination with other
source-based inputs. See Managing Day Time Bands
Calendar Band Calendar Band Allows you to select a specific date range (calendar
band) such as 1/1/05 to 6/1/06. The calendar band
includes use of the time component. This cannot be
used in combination with other source-based inputs.
See Managing Calendar Bands
Table 33 Add Route Plan Fields (continued)
Subheadings Field Description